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SpendMap User Guide (v16)

PURCHASING > My Team > Add/modify/delete users

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The User Master File contains information about the people in your company who will use SpendMap (i.e. your staff). Suppliers can also access the system via the Supplier Portal but their user accounts are set up in the Supplier Master File, not here.

Each transaction in SpendMap is “stamped” with the User ID for easy reference and many fields on Purchase Orders and other documents can default based on the user entering the transaction to save time and reduce data entry. For example, the cost center (department, business unit) will typically default on documents based on the user.

While all users will need a user account in the User Master File to access SpendMap, not all users will necessarily have the same access to functionality and data in the system. You can use the various fields/settings the User Master File to control access to features and data and SpendMap also offers a variety of other security features, including User Definable Menus that can be used to restrict access to any menu/function or pop-up prompt.

NOTE: You must build menus for new users before they can log into SpendMap.


User Master File Screen

Passwords for new users: When new users are added and saved, you will be prompted to enter a temporary password for the user. The user will be prompted to change their password the first time they log into the system. Also, there may be restrictions on passwords, such as the minimum number of characters, available characters you can use, etc. For details, see Application Password Management Settings.

NOTE: You must build menus for new users before they can log into SpendMap.

Information for users is organized into a series of folders (tabs).


Contents of the Folder


Address and other contact information for the user.


Settings and default information that will carry forward to POs and other documents.


Used to enable/disable or configure various system features for the user.


Used to restrict users to a subset of codes in various Master Files.


Used to enable/disable various automatic e-mail notifications for the user


Used to enable/disable various features in the SpendMap Mobile Web App for the user.


Used to assign one or more Executive Dashboards to the user.

Name/Address Folder

The [NAME/ADDRESS] Folder contains the user’s address and other contact information. Some of this information will be copied onto POs and other documents and the contact information may also be used for reference purposes, for example, if someone ever needs to contact the user to inquire about an order.

Settings Folder

The [SETTINGS] Folder contains settings that control various features for the user and also default information that will carry forward to POs and other documents.

Permissions Folder

The [PERMISSIONS] Folder is used to enable/disable or configure various system features for the user.

Catalogs Folder

The [CATALOGS] folder contains the Master File Catalogs that this user will be restricted to when creating POs and other documents throughout the system. A blank field means that the user can select from any catalog. You can fill in one or many fields.

If a user is restricted to a Master File Catalog, the Master File codes in that catalog will be the only codes that the user will have access to when performing a Lookup or when manually entering codes into the applicable data entry field in the system. Therefore, it will appear to the user that the codes in the catalog represent the entire Master File even though there may be many more codes in the actual Master File.

TIP: You can also restrict access to items in the Item Master File with the Set Item Access Level Utility.

E-Mail Notifications Folder

The [E-MAIL NOTIFICATIONS] Folder is used to enable/disable various automatic notifications for the user.

For each notification that shows a check mark (_check) in the “Include” column, an automatic message will be sent to the user when the applicable event occurs in relation to a document or transaction related to that user.

Users can read their messages in the internal messaging system or to their external e-mail system. You can specify your message delivery preference in e-mail settings.

Mobile Web App Folder (e-Series)

This folder is used to enable/disable features in the Mobile Web App for the user.

For each option that shows a check mark (_check) in the “Include” column, an option will be added to the Mobile Main Menu for the user.

Dashboard Folder

The [DASHBOARD] Folder is used to assign one or more Executive Dashboards to the user.

When using View My Dashboards, the user will only see the dashboards that are assigned to them here.

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